Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Olympics

NBC has scheduled the 2006 Winter Olympics opening ceremony broadcast for Friday, February 10th, and the last event on February 26th.

(Check your local TV listings for times of both ceremonies and all events in between. (
For official Olympic information from Turino, check )

I’m looking forward to seeing “Grandma Luge” (because she’s old like me) and Apolo Anton Ohno, (mostly, I just like saying the name - say it with me, with rhythm Apolo Anton Ohno, Apolo Anton Ohno, Apolo Anton Ohno). I want to watch curling because it’s a “foreign” sport to Hoosiers and the ski jumping because that looks really scary, but I think it was a sport developed by bored Switz teenaged boys.

Come to think of it, a lot of the Olympic sports look like they were originally accidents or kids goofing around. Why would you need to have 5 men crammed together on a sled unless somebody had lost the other 4? or 1 person screaming down the mountain with no brakes and no steering? (I'm thinking somebody got in to the St. Bernard's emergency flask the first time that happened, or maybe just after.)

What ever your sport, enjoy! Because there won't be anything else on TV till it's over.

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