Wednesday, August 09, 2006

As days go

I've had a bad day today. I've had worse, but as days go this one sucked. Well, when I stop whining around, maybe the day wasn't that bad.
  • It rained right after I watered my flowers, but not too long.
  • There was plenty of sunshine (after it stopped raining).
  • It wasn't too hot (for August).
  • At lunch, I shared a warm brownie sundae with hot fudge sauce. (You really had to eat it fast so the ice cream didn't melt, but then when you share a chocolate covered sundae with Denise you have to eat fast anyway.)
  • I didn't quit work though I wanted to and seriously considered it 3 times before 7:30 AM.
  • A friend invited me to lunch on Friday.

I guess when I really think about it, the day was more than OK. A day with chocolate and friends can't be that bad.

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