Wednesday, August 23, 2006

The end of a summer love

They laughed and made small talk while they waited for the car that would take him away. There were no false promises of "I'll write as soon as I get home" or even the vague "We'll keep in touch." They knew from the first that it wouldn't last forever. That whatever they had, whatever they made, would last no longer than that one summer.

They knew they had no future together and had promised each other that when the time came, it would end, cleanly, maturely. No tears, no half-hearted attempts at maintaining a long distance relationship. They were relieved and disappointed when the car arrived. They kissed good-by one last time and she waved until the car disappeared around the curve.

Then she moved into Barry's arms. He touched her face lightly and whispered, "Are you OK, Babe?"

She tore her eyes from the spot where she had last seen the car and smiled up at him, "I'm fine. I could have gone with him you know, but I chose you."

And her heart filled with tears that she wouldn't cry.

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