Thursday, August 17, 2006

It's amazing!

This is my horrorscope for Friday. "Amazing opportunities await in the next few days."

Hmmm, amazing opportunities? On the weekend?

What do you think is more likely?

  • I'm offered a job with a 6 figure salary, or I get an opportunity to save 50 cents on 10 cans of cat food (for a cat I don't have)?
  • I win an opportunity to travel around the world, or I run out of toilet paper and am forced to travel a mile to the nearest discount store to get a couple of rolls before somebody needs it.
  • I have an opportunity to sleep-in on Saturday, or I have to stumble out of bed at the crack of dawn to visit the bathroom?
  • I am given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to watch the premier of an innovative new broadway show ON BROADWAY, or I get to sit on my couch and watch one of the movies I picked up for 50 cents at the used book store last week.
  • Opportunity knocks on the door, but I'm sitting on the pot wondering where I put the emergency roll of toilet paper.

Yeah, that's what I think, too. Sitting on the loo.

May all your opportunities this weekend be good ones. One of us should be so lucky.

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