Sunday, August 06, 2006

Printer Problems

I have been having recurring dreams this week about a personal transport system (PTS) that works something like the Star Trek Transporter and something like Jeanie (of I Dream of Jeanie) crossing her arms and nodding her head.

Saturday morning I dreamt I was reading the instructions for my PTS. Actually I was just at the leafing-through-the-pages-do-I-really-need-to read-this-stage. After all, I'd been using it all week, did I really need instructions? (Don't say it! I admit it. I always read the instructions, just in case. Mostly just in case I can one-up you in the I-know-how-to-do-something-you-can't-do game, but this was a dream and people behave differently in dreams.)

Anyway, before I could get into reading the advanced topics, something intruded on my dream. I knew I was waking up and losing the book, so I started to reach for the Print button, but quickly realized that I couldn't print because I was dreaming.

It took me a few more minutes to realize that dreaming or not, it wouldn't have worked because I'm not hooked up to a printer.

I really gotta get out more.

Beam me up, Scotty!
There's no intelligent life down here.
... Bumper Sticker, blue Ford pick-up

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