Monday, October 30, 2006

Dream On

While on my way home from work tonight I heard the song "Dream Lover". I've heard it before, many times, but tonight it rang a bell, struck a cord, lit a lightbulb.

Dream Lover is the perfect name for my pillowcase "invention". The pillowcases are for body pillows and are embellished with a picture of a movie star, athlete, singers, etc., or your favorite significant other. I've looked to see if anyone else had this idea, but couldn't find any. The closest were one that had faces of animals, a couple that were rather risque, and some floral prints. So I think it's a viable idea, a real moneymaker at Christmas.

I first thought of these pillows as something for women whose husbands or boyfriends were in the army. I thought it might be comforting for them to curl up with their own Dream Lover when the real thing was overseas.

Then I thought, hmmm, famous people would work for everybody. But I don't know how to go about getting permission to use their likeness and how much do you have to pay, etc., etc. and I'm too lazy to see this idea to fruition so anybody that wants to steal the idea may. But, please, at least provide me with free pillowcases & pillows.

I did make this idea into a party game, one that you can take with you anywhere because there are no props, no score cards, no nothing but your imagination. All you have to do to play is argue over who you want on your pillowcase.

I once played this on a car trip with two other adults of various ages. I chose Tom Selleck, John Schneider, Kyle Chandler, and Dean Johnson (the handyman on Hometime on PBS - he's good with his hands, need I say more?). Denise, who's younger, favored younger stars (some of whom I'd never heard of so the conversation would veer off into "Who's that? What do they look like?" so I could judge her selections properly) and Ronnie picked an entirely different set of cases, if you know what I mean.

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