Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tick Tock Tick Tock

I lived with it for months. I got up in the dark and I went to work before the sun did. My body never knew if it was coming or going. But finally Daylight Saving Time is over!

Yeah, I know DST will be back next spring, but I'm going to pretend it's not.

I think I have all my clocks set back to the correct time. I was so excited I started changing them about 7 PM last night. All except the VCR. It converted back to the right time about a month after DST started and I never changed it again. Bless it's little hardware heart. If it doesn't want to go on DST it doesn't have to.

Oh, Dang! That reminded me that I forgot to check the TV & DVD in the bedroom. And the phones! I thought I got the times all changed too quickly. It will take me a week to get the correct time on all the clocks. How is this saving me time?

Time waits for no man -
even if he can't figure out what time it is. ... me

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