Tuesday, October 03, 2006

One man's humor is another man's list of boring crap.

I have several lists of funny, provocative, things-I’d-like-to-say-in-the-office, and stupid sayings. I get them in emails and I steal them from other websites. I save them to use in the blog when I’m too lazy to think of any thing else to write. I'm sorry that I don't know who wrote most of them; they came from different sources at different times and those sources ripped ‘em off first.

Be forewarned, I have decided that I’m going to do a page of them every Tuesday- that will be the day every week when I don’t think.

  1. Just wanted to let you know that I've entered the snapdragon part of my life - part of me has snapped and the rest of me is draggin'.
  2. An apple a day keeps everyone away - if your aim is good enough.
  3. I'd pay just about anything for a telemarketer's home phone number.
  4. Ever notice how people who tell you to calm down are the ones who got you mad in the first place?
  5. Well, this day was a total waste of makeup.
  6. Remember that whatever misfortune may be your lot, it could only be worse in Cleveland.
  7. If bankers can count, why do they have eight windows and only four tellers?
  8. Hard work will pay off later. Laziness pays off now!
  9. If you don't care where you are, then you aren't lost.
  10. Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.

Ha! Fruit flies like a banana! Get it?

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