Saturday, May 06, 2006

Nurses' Day

Did you remember that May 6th is Nurses' Day? That means we're starting Nurses' Week (May 6 - 12). Be sure to say "Hi" and "Great job" to your favorite nurse. If you can't find her (or him), say Hi to me! I was a soldier in the Bedpan Patrol for a couple of decades.

I was going to put a joke in here, but I couldn't find one that was funny so I decided to tell a true story. Then I remembered that nursing stories are only funny to other nurses. I found some cartoons that I thought were hilarous, but again - you had to have been there.

You don't need to know nursing to think these are funny - you only have to know me.

Visit if you enjoyed these and want to see some true glimpses of my life as a nurse.

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