Saturday, February 13, 2010

Wake me when it's over

I mean winter, of course. This winter started late, sometime in the middle of December, but started with a Look At Me assault of frigid air and arrogance and it hasn't taken a rest since then. This has been a long-johns type of winter all winter long.

I'm tired of cold and snow and ice. This afternoon I ventured outside for the first time in 4 days. "This isn't so bad", I thought to myself on the way to the trash receptacle. "The sun is shining. It's almost warm out here." On the way back, I thought to myself, "HOLY CRAP! That wind is cold." I still have a headache from it even though I wore my old lady scarf over my head and face.

I shouldn't complain about the amount of snow we have though I know it will take a month to melt between me and my car. We got a few inches Tuesday and were expecting 2 - 3 inches more that night when I got an email from my aunt who said her granddaughter in the east had over 2 foot of snow and her grandson to the west was expecting 2 - 3 feet of snow. Really, when you think about it 2 - 3 inches isn't all that bad.

When is spring anyway - isn't it about time for it to make an appearance? I know it's still a month away, but girl can dream, can't she? Just wake me when it gets here.

(Sour Cherry Tree - Picture courtesy of Wikipedia)

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