Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Yesterday I had a really bad day at the Dumass Company.  It was so bad that I had to go outside to cool off (and it was over 80 degrees outside).

While I was strolling (or stomping if you prefer) up and down the sidewalk in front of the Dumass building I noticed 4 little white flowers nodding at me above the green ground cover where they had no right to be.  The phrase "Against All Odds" popped into my head.

Here were these 4 little flowers blooming proudly where they weren't supposed to be.  I thought maybe it was a sign.  If those 4 little flowers could prevail then so could I. 

But not right away.  It took another 5 minutes of walking before I could go back inside the building and tackle the computer application from Computer Hell with its snotty little IT guardians.

On my way home yesterday, a handsome young man was tending the flower beds.  When I passed the 4 little white flowers and turned to nod at them, they were gone.  Cut down by the handsome young man.

I'm sure there's a moral there somewhere.
Maybe, If it's not attached to a stick, it's not a sign.

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