Saturday, October 16, 2010

Good night, Mrs. Cleaver.

I just read that June Cleaver (aka Barbara Billingsly, aaka mother of Wally and the Beav) died today at the age of 94.  MSN had two pictures with the article: one of Ms. Billingsly as June Cleaver and another picture of a lovely old lady that made me exclaim, "My goodness, she's aged a lot since I last saw her on TV! I don't even recognize her." 

On second look, I don't think it was her at all.  I think it's a picture of Gloria Stuart who died in September at the age of 100.  I doubt if Ms. Billingsly would appreciate my mistaking her for a woman of 100.

I'm not sure exactly why MSN placed a picture of Gloria Stuart so prominently in an article about Barbara Billingsly unless it was to lead the reader to their gallery of other celebrities who died in 2010. 

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