Sunday, February 19, 2006

America's Favorite Topic

In case you haven't noticed, it is really cold in Indiana today. It was as low as 5 degrees around here last night. I don't really mind too much because (1) I didn't have to go outside and (2) it's only 29 more days till spring.

Spring in Indiana is an iffy affair. Full of hope and broken promises. We can have balmy breezes that gently lift a kite up towards soft scattered clouds or tornado force winds that will rip the roof right off your house while you're taking a bath. Ice storms in March compete with the famous gentle rains of April for equal time in conversations. We can expect snowfall and sunshine, sometimes on the same day, occasionally at the same time.

Tulips and daffodils shyly poke their heads out of the ground, then bloom bravely, well aware how vulnerable they are to attacks by killer frosts. Trees begin to bloom, slowly at first, then in a rush, almost before I've noticed the first, pale leaves, their branches are clothed again.

Daylight saving time comes to Indiana this spring, . In honor of DST, here is a short quiz.

Spring Questions:
  1. What season is it when you are on a trampoline?
  2. When do monkeys fall from the sky?
  3. Can February March?
  4. What flowers grow on faces?
  5. What did Summer say to Spring?
Spring Answers
  1. Springtime!
  2. April Showers! (Get it? Ape-ril showers?)
  3. No, but April May!
  4. Tulips! (Two-lips)
  5. Help! I'm going to fall.

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