Friday, February 10, 2006

Cloak of invisibility

It came to my attention this week that I am again driving an invisible car. Tuesday, I drove less than a mile, round-trip, and
  1. one vehicle made a left hand turn in front of me at the light as I was trying to cross the street (contrary to popular belief, SUV's do not automatically have the right of way)
  2. a pedestrian stepped between two parked cars into my car’s path, looking neither left nor right before stepping out into traffic (but, as she had her head stuck where she could check for polyps, she would neither have seen nor heard an elephant, much less an invisible car.)
  3. another car pulled in front of me as I was leaving the bank parking lot,
  4. and a third car made a fast rolling stop at a crossroad stop sign apparently unaware that I, in my invisible car, had the right of way (see # 1).

I know that I was as invisible as my invisible car because not one of them returned my friendly little salute.

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