Saturday, November 17, 2007

I'm an Investigator

I took a personality test today. Mainly to see if I still have one.

I found out I'm a Type Five, The Investigator.

Perceptive and cerebral.
Alert, insightful, and curious.
Able to concentrate and focus on developing complex ideas and skills.
Independent, innovative, and inventive,
Preoccupied with thoughts and imaginary constructs.
Detached, yet high-strung and intense.
Problems with eccentricity, nihilism, and isolation.

At their best, Type Fives are:
Visionary pioneers,
Often ahead of their time, and
Able to see the world in an entirely new way.

It's surprisingly accurate. At least to my imagination if not to my reality.

Enneagramfree enneagram test

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