Sunday, July 27, 2008

The new dog in town.

My new neighbors have a big dog. A really big dog.

I haven't seen it yet but when I came home from work yesterday it barked at me when I opened my front door. It was so loud, I thought it was in my living room and took one step back before I realized it wasn't.

The week before I saw another neighbor walking his dog. It was so big I had to look twice, no - three times, to make sure it wasn't a deer. I think it was a giant greyhound. What looks like a giant greyhound, but is the size and color of a deer? A weimaraner?

I live in an apartment complex. If I had a dog as big as those, I'd rent one apartment for the dog and one for me because: When that dog lies around the house - he lies around the house. Where else would that dog lie? - anywhere he wants.

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