Sunday, October 26, 2008

If it's not one thing

I have a cold. I didn't have a cold when I went to work Friday, but I had one Saturday morning. It always irritates me when I get sick on a weekend and have to waste a perfectly good day off.

Or in this case, 2 good days.

I'm trying to be brave here, but it's not easy.
  • I'm breathing through my mouth, when I breathe at all.
  • I can't find my cold medicine - probably because I don't have any and if I did it would be outdated because I haven't needed any in a long time and I'm too sick to go get any.
  • I ran out of tissues with lotion about 4 hours ago and my nose hurts.
  • My eyes are dry and will only half open so I can only half see through these trifocals.
  • I'm tired of soup. Soup, soup, soup, soup.
  • And I'm cranky. I have been remarkably sanguine (No, really I have been) through this whole ordeal, but now I'm cranky. Cranky, cranky, cranky.


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