Saturday, July 23, 2005


Like many older people, I have been experiencing difficulties recalling the right word lately. It will be perched on the tip of my brain, but I can’t transfer it to the tip of my tongue . Sometimes I use whatever word pops into my mouth hoping that no one will notice.

Of course old people are forgetful. They have so much knowledge crammed into their brains that the file cabinets in there are overflowing. It’s hard to recall anything unless you have an excellent filing and retrieval system.

To facilitate communication, I recently purchased a computer Scrabble ® game. I can compete against a computer opponent or 1 – 3 friends, but I prefer to challenge myself because (1) I’m always available, (2) I get more practice using words if I assume the persona of four different characters, (3) it’s difficult to play with multiple people on one computer, and (4) friends don’t let you cheat.

Although I usually only play 10 point words (unless I cheat), it appears to be having the desired affect: an upgrade to my internal memory retrieval system. Several people at work this week have criticized or ridiculed my utilization of multisyllabic words. To which I retorted adamantly, “Illiterate Philistines!” (which sounds immensely more sophisticated than “You impertinent young whippersnappers!”)

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