Saturday, March 07, 2009

Help me up

I need to get back on my soap box. Today I'm preaching about the economy.

Some companies are using this recession as an opportunity to rob the tax payers by demanding billion dollar government handouts. Their executive management teams don't understand why we're upset that they fly around on private jets that cost more per flight per person than our monthly mortgage and rent payments. They spend money on lavish parties and claim it's not wrong because they didn't use the bailout money to pay for them. Do they think we're that stupid? (The question is rhetorical, the answer is Yes, they do think we're that stupid.)

Kids know if they spend all their money on candy, they'll never be able to afford a new video game, but if they beg to Mommy and Daddy they can get both, and still afford a new pair of sneakers that glow in the dark.

Executives who think they deserve their obscene salaries caused the economic mess we're facing today. The writing has been on the wall for years that the disproportion increases in executive salaries compared to the workers' salaries was leading to financial inequalities that would cause a shift in American culture and destroy our way of life.

How are we going to turn this around? It's easier to stop a run away train than a greedy executive.

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