Sunday, December 26, 2010

The weather outside is frightful

The unusually cold and snowy weather played havoc with some people's holiday plans.  People trying to get away from home are stuck in airports with others who are trying to get back home.  Two inches of snow in southern states are producing panic in adults and joy in their children.  I saw a picture of one delighted girl building a snowman in her pajamas.  Yes, she was wearing the pajamas, not the snowman.

I saw this on the Channel 6 site for Christmas day:
     Record High: 64° in 1893
     Record Low: -15° in 1983

Did you notice the years?  They have the same digits, just not in the same order. 

The Salvation Army reported that contributions were down this year while the requests for assistance were up.  They didn't blame the recession for the lack of contributions - it was the weather.  But you don't have to go out in the snow to donate.  If you had a nice Christmas, help someone else out by giving to the Salvation Army at

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