Thursday, April 06, 2006

Just rambling

I started my new Writing Mysteries course and it does have writing assignments, but I haven't got to them yet because I haven't finished the reading assignment yet. Before I start Lesson One, I'm supposed to read 12 chapters in one book and 5 in the other.

So why am I writing this instead of reading? I just wanted to say Hi, Have a nice day.

Did I tell you that I have learned that Roxie (Herb Smiley's mother) has a best friend Beatrice (aka Trixie)? Roxie and Trixie like river boat casinos. It also just occurred to me that they will probably volunteer to entertain the "old folks" at the local nursing home with the intention of performing a bawdy vaudeville or strip tease act.

They'll be singing a Gypsy Rose Lee song, Let me entertain you. (If you're under 50, I assure you that's nothing like the songs by the same title that you are thinking of, though it might be funnier if the audience thought Roxie & Trixie were going to sing Gypsy's song, but actually did the version by Robbie Williams.)

Life's a mystery - don't be clueless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are onto something. Let's get some Herb goin' on!