Monday, June 09, 2008

Water, Water Everywhere

Did you hear about the flooding in Indiana this weekend? It was absolutely awful to watch the newscasts all day Saturday. Water was lapping at the eaves of houses far from rivers, several downtown areas were flooded, 90% of the small town of Pargon was under water, acres of crops were lost,the Columbus hospital had to evacuate patients, bridges were swept away, interstates were closed.

Even though the water rose rapidly and with little warning in many places, only 3 deaths have been attributed to the floods. Within hours, rescue boats and divers were on the scene. The National Guard, Coast Guard, and Marines were called to duty. The Red Cross and Salvation Army quickly set up shelters in many counties. And neighbor helped neighbor.

Between tornadoes and floods, this has been a tough year for the Red Cross and Salvation Army in Indiana (and we're only half way through the year!). If you want to help in the relief effort, go to The Indy Channel and click on Storm Relief or go to Salvation Army Donations.

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