Monday, July 27, 2009

That's Why I Always Carry a Flashlight

A new "reality" TV show premiered last week, and is returning for another episode tonight. Called Dating in the Dark, the show gives participants - 3 men, 3 woman - an opportunity to become acquainted with each other in complete darkness. After a few days of blind dating (get it? blind date), snuggling, and whatever, they get to chose whom they'd like to see in the light.

My comments:
  1. Now does that sound stupid or what?
  2. I think I saw a cartoon like that once, and the female went screaming from the building when the man was revealed. Or maybe it was vice-versa.
  3. How can you have an hour show about 6 people in a totally dark room? Just how long can one sit and stare at a blank screen listening to couples snog? Wasn't that called radio?

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