Saturday, April 10, 2010

And see how you like it

Have you ever watched Undercover Boss? That show were the CEO's & presidents & owners of companies go work with their employees to see what's really going on? And they go "in disguise" so nobody knows who they are?

OK, the disguises are just a little better than Clark Kent taking off his glasses to become superman, but when the suits (i.e., executives) take off the suit and tie and put on blue jeans and a flannel shirt, they actually look like the belong with the working stiffs.

They've yet to have a woman go undercover. Are there that few women CEO's or do female suits think they already know what the "little people" are doing and thinking?

Anyway, do you know who I want to see on Undercover Boss? Or Underground Boss, as the case may be.

Don Blankenship, CEO of Massey Energy Co. I want to watch him working deep in a West Virginia Massey coal mine.

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