Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Music

We got a little silly at work last week discussing Christmas music when I mentioned that I hadn't heard "Walking 'round in Women's Underwear" this year.  It wasn't a complaint, just a comment.  I think the only reason I even thought of it was because I'd heard "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" that morning on the drive to work.

Much to their credit, nobody else at work had even heard of the underwear song before.

Here's  a catchy little wintertime ditty you may not have heard before, but you can share it with your co-workers, children, or even your grandma without blushing: "I Wanna Be a Snowman, but I'm Just a Flake" by Caspar Babypants.  And guess what?  You can download the whole song for nothing!

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