Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Happy Birthday, America!

My, how you have grown!  In 1776 when the Declaration of Independence was written, there were about 2.5 million citizens in the newly formed United States.  Today, there are more than 310 million.  You started with 13 colonies and now have 50 proud states. 

Yes, you have stumbled along the way to maturity which you haven't quite reached.   Sometimes you've been wise beyond your years; sometime you've been a little quirky and crazy.  You've been proud and you've been humbled. You've showed leadership and friendship.  At times you were an arrogant bully, but you've also offered charity to the less fortunate.  

You've had your fights and disagreements, inside your borders as well as out.  You've walked on the moon and sailed the seven seas. You've been forward thinking yet stubbornly resistant to change.  Sometimes American dreams have dimmed but they've never died. 

You've been my home for more than half a century.   I have crossed your borders four times to visit world neighbors and found that other countries have their own charms.  But I can't imagine living anywhere else.  My home and heart are always with you. 

God bless America and all those who call her home!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Happy Birthday, America! You've been my home for the good and bad part of my years and I will always call you "home". :)