Monday, March 17, 2008

Good News!

Robert Soloway is facing a possible 26-year jail sentence after pleading guilty in Seattle on Friday to charges of fraud and tax evasion.

I love to see the bad guys get what's coming to them and 'ol Bob has been on my list of deserving guys for several years now. His crime? He was a spammer and proud of it.

Historically, the United States has been slow to criminally prosecute these low lifes but hopefully the judge will give him more than a little slap on the wrist. A big swift kick in the pants that lands him in the slammer for several decades might be a good deterents to others.

Perhaps you think his crime isn't that important. He didn't murder anybody. He just murdered our peace of mind by invading our personal email with his trash.

I hope somebody spams his jail cell. Every day of every 26 years.

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