Saturday, January 10, 2009


The New Year is over a week old now. Still too young to indicate if it’s going to be better or worse than 2008, or just the same old day-in, day-out grind. As usual, I looked to the stars for answers. I’m not saying astrology is accurate, but I like to keep an open mind - especially when it amuses me.

First I checked out Yahoo astrology

It started by telling me “Brilliant ideas come easily into Libra's awareness throughout 2009.” (Well, that’s a given.)

Then it claimed I would have “a new spiritual perspective of feeling fully supported and loved.” (That will be a nice change. I’ve never felt fully supported. Not even by my favorite bra.)

And it ended by suggesting that I “trust and allow [my] struggles to be released”. (I learned a long time ago that only suckers fully trust anything or anyone. Given enough time, even the most beloved blue jeans will split at the seam at an inopportune moment.)

Not much substance in that one. Mostly ‘touchy, feely’ stuff.

So I tried the Jonathan Cainer site for more in-depth predictions.

It said I’ll be wiser in 2009 (like brilliant?) and more mature. (At least older.) It also said “Everywhere you turn now, you are seeing chickens coming home to roost.” (If that happens, I hope I’m wise enough to realize I need to adjust my medication dosage.)

He said I’d have “financial stability”. (Maybe that’s what Yahoo meant by “fully supported”. I think there’s finally a Sugar Daddy with my name on it.)

It ends by saying that I’ll feel conflicted – the “little angel” me will be arguing daily with “the little devil” me. (As I will be wiser, I should have no problem deciding to whom to listen. I’m rooting for Little Devil.)

And I’m looking forward to a fun and exciting year.

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