Monday, February 21, 2011

Great Americans Day

Today is Great Americans Day.  On your calendar it will probably say "Presidents Day" or maybe "Washington's Birthday, but I propose that we change it to Great Americans Day.

Why? you may well ask.

And I'm glad you did.

We NEED Great Americans Day because:
  1. Every great American deserves a holiday, but everybody can't have a holiday or we'd get no work done. 
  2. We need to recognize and honor Americans who went above and beyond for their country, their communities, their fellow citizens.  With Great Americans Day we would honor our national and local heroes.
  3. Our history is full of men and women who deserve to be remembered for what they gave to us.  That deserve to be celebrated.  To be emulated.  To be honored.   
Take a few minutes today to remember somebody you think deserves to be called a Great American.  Then tomorrow try to be just a little more like that person. 

Maybe someday you'll make the list of Great Americans.

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