Saturday, March 19, 2011

Daylight Saving Time doesn't save nothin'

I don't like DST (daylight saving time).  It's not nice to fool around with Mother Nature, now is it?

I've been so tired I haven't even felt like posting my semi-annual gripe about DST and how stupid it is.  I'm waking up early so I'm tired and grouchy all day and I usually fall asleep early while I'm watching some mystery show so I never find out who the did it!

Good news: spring starts tomorrow in Indiana.  It's a lovely time of year.  And it means that winter is leaving soon.  The sooner the better. 

I think I'm going to make tortillas in a bag for supper.  Did you know that the average American eats about 200 tortillas a year (not counting tortilla chips)?  Personally, I find that hard to believe; that's over 1 tortilla every other day.  I doubt if I eat 100 in a year so I think somebody is eating more than their fair share!  Check out the Tortilla in a Bag recipe at the  Oklahoma State University website.

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