Saturday, December 24, 2005

Sights & Sounds of the Season

It's Christmas eve and I want to take this opportunity to share some of the things I've observed this holiday season.

  1. Not once during this whole month did I hear, "Grandma got run over by a reindeer, going home from our house Christmas eve...." I'm not complaining, just observing.
  2. The traffic around the mall wasn't as bad as it has been in years past.
  3. People in the stores didn't say "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" as much as they use to.
  4. The price of stamps compared to the cost of email changed the way people sent me holiday greetings.
  5. On my way to and from work, I found I cursed at fellow drivers a little more politely while listening to Christmas music.
  6. I watched a group of bellringers on PBS playing Christmas carols. It was amazing to watch the precision handwork as they simultaneously picked up and put down bells, rang them with just the right flick of the wrist, and turned pages of sheet music. They were dressed all in black with high collars and gloves and they never smiled. They would have been right at home in a mausoleum.
  7. The Kroger store on Allisonville Road has decorated for Christmas. Near the meat department is a 2 foot stuffed reindeer lying on its side. The first thought that popped into my mind the first time I saw it was "Why do they have a dead reindeer on display? That's gross!" I think it was suppose to be standing upright, but, although it changed position from week to week, I never saw it on it's feet. Happily, I never saw a special for reindeer meat either.
  8. Kids still like rocking horses. The same Kroger had a stuffed rocking horse on display in the toy and gift area. I rarely saw it without a child sitting on it's back and grinning from ear to ear.
  9. TV needs some new holiday specials and old movies.
  10. I have nice friends that share the spirit of Christmas.

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