Sunday, February 15, 2009

One old woman's opinion

I think the stimulus package that is to be signed into law later this week may be one of the biggest congressional boondoggles ever foisted on the American people by the government.

Any project that costs $800 billion shouldn't be slapped together in a month. I doubt if most Congress people know what's in the package - they haven't had time to read all 1,000 pages. Actually, I don't know how many pages it is - I found sources saying anywhere from 700 - 1,500.

It's difficult to get all the details, but I did find these:

  • 35% is tax cuts and 65% is direct spending
  • $87 billion is earmarked for Medicaid spending.
  • $39 billion for education - some of this is for remodeling schools, some for grants/loans for poor college students, the rest for who-knows-what
  • $8 billion for high-speed trains
  • $6.5 billion for medical research.
  • A tax credit that will put an average of $7 a week extra in your pocket. (Whoopee! )
  • Social security and disability recipients will get a one time payment of $250 (It's better than a kick in the pants.)
  • Health insurance subsidies for the newly unemployed.

This is all so confusing, made even more so by reporters and analysts who add their 2 cents to the news. I've read that:

  • $100 billion of the tax cuts will go to people who don't pay taxes.
  • Most of the money won't be spent for 2 - 5 years

We have met the enemy and he is us. Walt Kelly

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