Sunday, February 22, 2009

Real Estate

The Canadian geese around here, unaffected by the global economic downturn, are already seeking out prime real estate on which to raise their future offspring. One would think that geese would all demand lake front property, or at least something within easy waddling distance to water.

One would be wrong.

Two Canadian geese prepare a nursery in our office park every year, not near a lake or retention pond or even a soggy culvert, but near the front door of our office building. One wonders if they've noticed that the office is within a mile of a lovely little nature preserve.

One wouldn't mind them making our front door theirs, except:
  1. They don't have "indoor" plumbing, if you know what I mean, and I'm sure you do if you've ever had to walk through a goose latrine.

  2. They get quite preturbed when perceived trespassers wander too close to the nest and the soon-to-be goslings. If you've ever been goosed by geese, you know they can pack quite a pinch for their size and weight.

One solution to our problem:

Just kidding! Canadian geese are protected by theUnited States Fish andWildlife Service under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 and the Migratory Bird Conservation Act of 1929. (Even those that emigrated instead of migrated.)

Cooked Goose


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