Sunday, May 24, 2009


I stopped at a new bookstore in town yesterday. Independent booksellers are having a tough time competing against the national chains so I like to support them when I can.

Mudsocks Books & Curiosity Shoppe wasn't quite what I expected. They carry more used books than new books, but they didn't carry a very wide selection of either. They had a lot of interesting games and puzzles. Mostly educational stuff, but it still looked entertaining. (But then I'm one of those dorks that is actually entertained by educational stuff.)

They had a grey cat wandering around the store. He passed near me several times and stopped once to scratch a table in front of me as if trying to impress, but I ignored him and he went away. Usually, much like children, the more you ignore a cat, the more he wants to be your friend.

It's just a coincidence, but the book I bought at Mudsocks was Dewey: the Small-Town Library Cat who Touched the World. I was almost ready to leave empty handed when the book caught my eye. "Sounds interesting", I thought. It's different than the genres I usually read.

I read the entire book yesterday afternoon. I cried at the beginning and I cried at the end.

If you want to learn more about Dewey Readmore Books check out this page, Dewey, from the United Kingdom or this one, Dewey's Biography, from his hometown libary in Spencer, Iowa.

If you want to learn more about the book and author, Vicki Myron, check out Dewey Readmore Books. (Get it? Books, Check out, Library?)

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