Saturday, November 27, 2010

Don't even breathe!

I was wrong when I said that last piece of persimmon pudding gave me an uncomfortably full feeling.   Either I have left lower lobe pneumonia or I shouldn't have rented that exercise video with the crazy lady who promised to "work you like a daaaawg". 

Every time I take a deep breath I have a pain in my left side just beneath my rib cage and "deep" is relative.  Reletive to how much pain I can stand at any given moment.

The video is mis-titled.  Instead of "Walk with Joyce Vedral - A Low Impact Walking Workout" it should be called "Dance Till It Hurts".  I only danced with Joyce 15 minutes on Thursday morning and I'm still in pain. 

But I swear I think my waist on the left side is a half an inch smaller than it was before those 15 minutes.  And I learned some nifty little dance steps.  As soon as I can breathe normally I'm going back and try to reduce the right side. And if I can get that swing in my hips that Joyce has in hers I think I can take a few inches off the hips in thirty minutes.

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