Monday, November 08, 2010

I almost missed it!

You know I don't appreciate daylight saving time now anymore than I did when it was first introduced in Indiana several years ago.  If someone could actually save daylight and give it back to me in the middle of winter, I might see some point to it. 

It takes my body days to adjust to the new schedules twice a year.  I don't know when to go to bed, when to get up, when to eat.  And I'm not the only one.

Today, one of my co-workers went to the cafeteria for lunch at what she thought was 11:30, but they weren't open yet.  She was a little peeved and the cafeteria staff was a little puzzled as to why she thought they should be open for lunch at 10:30 when they always open at 11.  She eventually realized she had forgot to set the clock on her desk back and her stomach thought it was lunch time so she was ready to eat at the normal time.

Except it wasn't normal at all.  When governments insist on playing around with time, there's nothing normal about time.

Time may fly, but flies still can't tell time.

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