Thursday, January 27, 2011

'Round and 'Round she goes

On my way home from work Tuesday, I was driving slowly and weaving all over the road.  I wasn't drunk.  I was avoiding potholes.

Speaking of potholes.  They are a harbinger of spring in Indiana and I saw a large flock of robins, another indicator that spring is near.  One can only hope that they foretell and early return of warmer weather.

I know as sick as I am of the snow and cold weather, many people in the Northeast must be gnashing their teeth.  They seem to have a blizzard once a week and I just read that some areas have blasted snowfall records that have stood for more than three quarters of a century. 

It's suppose to snow here today.  Less than an inch total.   How am I going to miss the potholes if they're covered with snow?

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