Wednesday, December 20, 2006

I want a do-over

Just before I logged on to write something, I was playing Solitaire. I was down to a few cards and thought I had lost the game, but I took a second look and found a play I almost missed. Playing that one card let me play the rest in quick succession and I won.

Life can be like that sometimes.

You're feeling bad and you think it all "sucks swamp water through a straw". You're in an ugly mood and you're looking at the world through ugly glasses. You just want to go to bed and pull the covers over your head.

Then you take a second look. You hear a baby giggle, you see the slightest green leaf beginning to form on a plant you thought was dead, somebody smiles at you and you smile back instead of snarling. And you decide maybe you can make it to the end of the day.

Then sometimes you take another look and you realize that life really does suck and you just want this year to end so you can start all over.

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