Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A night for socks

When I got home from work today my furnace wasn't working. It was only 66 degrees in here, but it could have been worse. Sunday the low was 8 degrees and today it didn't get below freezing and the temperature outside was at least 50. Anyway, it was too late to call for repairs so I "rebooted" the furnace.

Similar to the way you reboot a computer, I turned it off, flipped the breakers, waited an hour, and turned it back on. And it worked. Keep your fingers crossed that it doesn't go out in the middle of the night.

On my way home the traffic light about a mile from here wasn't working and it rained heavily most of the night and day and I have a feeling we had some kind of electrical problem in the neighborhood though I couldn't find any clocks in the place that needed to be re-set.

I got to thinking. How many other things would benefit from being rebooted? Relationships? Diets? Jobs? Morals? Dreams?

Think about it.

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