Saturday, April 07, 2012


You may know that I have this thing about cars. 
  1. I liked it better when we had full service gas stations where they were so happy to see you they'd give you a gift just for dropping by to let them fill up your gas tank, check your tires, check your oil, and wash your windows.
  2. I don't particularly like cars because I don't understand them. 
  3. I have a phobia about getting my car serviced. 
The service people I deal with regularly now are mostly nice.  From the humorless man at the dealership to the quiet young men who check my tires at Goodyear's, they treat me with at least apparent respect.  But in the past, when I was younger, there were too many that were rude and condescending and not nice.

So this week, one of my tires was low.  Now, I always think it looks low.   It's one of those things I have about my car.   I always think the left, front tire looks low.  I could check it with a gauge because I've got a couple and I know how to do it.  But not well.  I'm very likely to let more air out than a low tire can spare. 

I thought I'd need a new tire and would probably end up buying 4 new tires because tires were on sale last month, not this month. I stewed and fretted about it almost a whole week and found excuses not to drive anywhere though the tire wasn't that low.

Anyway, I finally put on my big girl hat and went to Goodyear's where they let me fill out the crossword puzzle in the daily paper while they fixed my tire for $26.28.

Now, don't I feel silly?

Update April 21, 2012: It looks low again.  Now, don't I feel really silly?

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