Monday, April 30, 2012

Today's Pity Party

I have a cold.  I'm only telling you because I like sharing my misery.  I've had worse colds.  Sometimes I think I prefer worse colds.  The ones were you don't feel like doin' nothin'.  Not like this one.  I feel like crap, but not so bad that I couldn't work today.  I worked at home.  I didn't go in the office and spread my germs all over the place.

I burned my arm today.  On the oven door while I was putting a pizza in the oven.  It was probably a stupid idea to have pizza but I'm out of soup.  Now I have a BIGGG burn on my arm.  Below the elbow.  Where I can't really see it unless I screw myself into a pretzel shape.  I think it's decided not to blister, but I have to hold my arm up so it doesn't hit the edge of the desk while I'm typing because it still hurts.  Probably from me poking it to see if was going to blister.

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