Friday, July 14, 2006

Is it hot enough for you?

You know I have to ask that at least once a summer and today seemed like a good time because it's hot. Too darn hot.

And muggy. I've not seen muggy like this for awhile. Not since I went camping next to a Kentucky lake and the air was so saturated with lake water it was hard to tell where the air ended and the lake began.

That was one of the most memorable camping sites I've ever endured. Aside from the scenery, there was little to recommend the place, but we didn't know that until the tent was pitched and the mosquitoes were biting.

We should have know something was wrong when we found an unused citronella lantern and fresh vegetables in the trash bin next to our site.

We'll forever be grateful to the campers who abandoned the critonella lantern. It kept us from being eaten alive by buzzard sized mosquitoes. The weinie little campers, we called them, sight unseen, not knowing what they knew before they packed up their belongings and fled. To a nice dry hotel bed no doubt since they left much of their disposable camping gear behind.

Even before the sun went down, the humidity was so high that a few moments admiring the scenery left you half-soaked from head to foot.

The site itself was a bed of gravel that turned into rocks that turned into boulders as the night wore on. Walking barefoot across those sharp stones on your way to the bathroom in the middle of the night without waking everyone up with "Ouch" "Ow" "Dang!" "Ouch" was an adventure in stoicism.

Aw, Good times! Good times!

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