Thursday, July 20, 2006

Where's the remote?

This is an update on a small selection of this season's "reality" shows. I know you've all been clamoring for this, but first: is it my imagination or are there more "reality" shows on than usual? What ever happened to detective shows? Sit-coms? Westerns? Science fiction? Something that made you think something besides "Yech!"

Big Brother - I saw the first 8 people America voted into the house and left without even saying good-by. In case you don't know the "hook" this time around, America got to decide on which former House Mates got to come back and annoy us. You all know Americans. They voted for the most annoying people. Americans have no sense.

Treasure Hunters - this is one tough show; so far we've lost two contestents to injuries. Which is almost the only entertainment there is. Unless you calculate the average number of times that blonde school teacher screams every show. I think she's up to about 1,486,502.

Hell's Kitchen - what the hell where they thinking? I wouldn't want any of these people cooking for me - or my dog, who died when I was 18.

America's Got Talent - well, some do and some don't. The judges don't.

So You Think You Can Dance - the best choice. The dancers this season are very talented, but you don't have to like dance to enjoy this show. There's something for everyone. The Russian ballroom dancer rarely buttons his shirt and what's her name doesn't like to wear any more clothes than is absolutely necessary when swinging to a jazz tune. I don't know who the costume designer is for this show, but she/he is incredible. The costumes complement the dance like they are a part of the choreography.

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