Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring Ahead and Trip Over Stupid Ideas

I don't like daylight saving time. It annoys me. It irritates me. It ticks me off.

But nobody cares. Nobody cares that a lot of Hoosier hate DST. We have to endure it an extra month. Three extra weeks in the spring and one in the fall.

Politicians and their entourages claim that this is a good idea because of all the energy we'll save, but their decision was based on an old study that probably has little bearing on what we do today and some opponents claim it will increase energy expenditure. (I'm not making that up. The fact that it's just a stupid idea is enough for me.)

In a roundabout way it may be saving some energy: I'm fairly certain that the reason gas prices recently shot up has something to do with DST. That is my own theory. Not being privy to the conversations of the greedy guts that control the oil prices, I can neither prove nor disprove it. (But you know I'm right.)

This is the new picture on my dart board. We all know he had some really wacky ideas and was never quite right in the head after that ill-conceived kite flying in a thunderstorm incident.

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