Monday, October 23, 2006


If I were Queen of the Universe, things would be run differently.

This weekend I bought the store brand frozen Margherita pizza from a neighborhood grocery for Saturday night supper. The picture on the box showed a light golden brown pizza crust adorned with perfectly placed plump slices of ruby red Roma tomatoes which were nestled atop a thick bed of mozzeralla cheese and ringed by a moat of rich tomato sauce. Sounds good, doesn't it?

Saturday night I opened the box to find a thin pizza shell with a few paper thin wafers of anemic tomatoes scattered and piled randomly on top of a thin layer of cheese which was surrounded by a equally thin layer of tomato sauce. What a disappointment to the eye! Actually, it didn't taste bad. But it tasted like the $3.50 pizza it was, not the sumptutious feast pictured on the outside.

If I were Queen of the Universe, that would never happen.

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