Friday, October 06, 2006

You put your finger where?

I have an odd malady that I'm going to share with you because, frankly, I lead a boring life and I have nothing else to write about at the moment. It's just a strange little affliction, nothing really weird so I can't write a book about it or anything, but it really bothers me at times.

Every time I sit down to this computer, my right ear canal starts itching. I mean really itching. Stick-a-finger-in my-ear-and-try-to-pull-it-out-the-other-side itching. Not the left side, just the right.

I’m afraid I have caught some kind of computer bug. Maybe a virus or a worm. An ear worm. That's it. An ear worm.

You know the only way to get rid of an ear worm? Pass it on.

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