Sunday, October 01, 2006

Remember when

When I worked in a hospital, the other staff and I learned a new trick for finding things. We'd switch. I looked for what Mary was hunting and she'd search for what I needed. For some inexplicable reason, it was usually easier to locate what someone else was trying to find.

If I'd spent 10 minutes looking for the gauze, Mary could stick her head in the supply closet and find it at a glance - on the shelf at eye level, in the front. And vice versa. I could do the same for one of our other co-workers. I liked to blame it on poltergeists, even though I knew it was because we can't see what's right in front of us. Yeah, I don’t like to admit it when I’m being stupid.

I did learn a good way to remember what you are looking for. You know when you enter a room and look around, then say to yourself, "Now why did I come in here?"

The trick is to try to remember why you left the other room. Think about where you where and what you were doing. Nine times out of ten that will trigger your memory so you can remember what you needed. If it doesn't work most of the time, you're just hopeless.

As usual, there is a reason I bring up this old memory, but I'm not going to tell you till tomorrow. Come back then. Maybe there will be milk & cookies.

Age doesn't make us forgetful.
Having way too many stupid things
to remember, makes you forgetful. ... Maxine

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